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BMBA Activities

• To keep interest of the mobile businessmen:
(a) Organizing meeting, opinion exchanging meeting, human chain etc to protest of the terror attack in the mobile phone business institution of the county.
(b) The voice of Bangladesh Mobile Phone Businessmen association (BMBA) was always strong to bring the discipline towards mobile business. Bangladesh Mobile Phone Business association (BMBA) was also strong in the field of sudden increasing-decreasing the value of mobile phone set/SIM, appointment of more dealers by the operator in the field for removing bureaucratic complexity, in the field of importing mobile phone set and decreasing the tax. The print and electronic media published and telecast of these news with still and moving picture.

• To keep interest of the subscriber:
(a) Prevent excess call rate.
(b) Exemption of TIN certificate at the time of reviving SIM
(c) Wave the annual royalty fee.
(d) Increase the duration of prepaid card.
(e) Decreasing the value of mobile phone set. We will be fit to resolve these problems through mobile phone operator, NBR and related ministry.
• To serve the distressed phone: In the last years for distressed relief many times gone among the thousands of flood affected distressed men, women and children.
• In the interest of the revenue:
(a) To increase the revenue: Mobile phone hand set will enter the county in legal way if the importing system becomes easier through decreasing the tax on set. The government will get more tax grabbing this. And in this regard we expect co-operation from the government so that it does not go out of buying power of general phone users.
(b) To resist trafficking: We have the assurance of co-operation to the government in the field of the marketing of trafficked handset, to resist the trafficking through border and port.

Copyright@2013 Bangladesh Mobilephone Business Association
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